13th Annual Oregon Economic Forum
Speaker Biographies
What’s Next After the Election?
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Portland Art Museum
Doors open at 7am for breakfast
Program runs from 745am to 11am
Join us for the 13th Annual Oregon Economic Forum where we will explore the aftermath of another brutal election cycle and what it means for the economy. We have invited a special guest, Stan Collendar, one of the most quoted pundits on all aspects of the federal budget and Washington’s response to economic and fiscal challenges to explore what the outcome of the election will mean for the ability of Congress and the President to keep our economy moving. In addition, we are hosting a panel on panel on Millennials and What They Mean For Your Firm with Sheila Martin, Director of PSU’s Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies and Shawn Busse, CEO of Kinesis. And, finally, an Economic and Financial Review and Preview with Oregon Economic Forum Director Tim Duy and KeyBank Chief Investment Strategist Bruce McCain. We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event.
Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor KeyBank, media sponsor Portland Business Journal, and our bronze sponsors the Port of Portland and the Portland Business Alliance.
Opening Address
Michael H. Schill, President, University of Oregon
Economic and Financial Review and Preview
Tim Duy, Director, Oregon Economic Forum, University of Oregon
Bruce McCain, Chief Strategist, Key Private Bank
Millennials and What They Mean For Business
Shawn Busse, CEO, Kinesis
Sheila Martin, Director, Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, Portland State University
Russ Gaylor
Consultant, Oregon Manufacturing Extension Program
New President, New Economy? What The Election Means For Growth.
Stan Collender, Executive Vice President, Qorvis MSLGROUP
Read Stan Collender’s latest on Forbes:
Top 5 Things Trump & Clinton Aren’t Telling You
About What Will Happen To The Budget in 2017
For information on sponsoring this event, please contact Tim Duy at 541-346-4660 or